Thursday, December 2, 2010

The lonely good company of books

I do not read often for self pleasure. I mainly read books if I must for classes. I have read a couple books in the past that caught my attention and held it untill the book was finished for myself and really enjoyed it. But it is very hard to come across a book like it. I do not usually go to book stores so I never really look for one. My reading is very similar to rodrigaze's. Before I started college I knew I had to start reading but I would just read my articles in my auto magazines and thought it to be "good enough".

What story reminds me the most of education

My high school experince was very hectic from my parents divorce and other family matters throught my high school carrer and even into my college carrer. In high school I did not strive to be the best achedemicly because of my group of friends and how we all reacted with one another. During high school I felt like as long as I graduated I would be set. When applying to schools I relized my actions in high school were not the best and now have a feeling of regret because I know I could and can acheive better than I give myself credit for.

Fredrick Douglas Questions and Reflections of reading and writing

Douglas's experinces of learning to read and write are much worse than what students have to do today. We have the freedom to learn and to do just about anything productive. We have schools and teachers willing to teach americans how to read and write. He just had a random person that could only teach him what she knew and that was it. No higher eduction was availible to him. Nowadays you can go to schools and tech schools to learn and expand your knowledge on things.

Discussion on my experiences on reading and writing

Most of my reading and writing are in the class room. Most has been learned in the class room and I usually do not read or write for self enjoyment. As a student I read and write everyday. My history of reading and writing are not the best because I rarely do it out side of the class room. I wish to start reading outside of the class room and hope to increase my knowledge about the world around me.

Self Evaluation Of Task Three

What is the thesis for your paper?
College graduates are driving taxis, I think that the statement is true because some college graduates do not get the job they wished to atain with their degree.

List the main points you make in your paper
My paper has my opinons and Birds opinons on how college students are pressured to go to college to get a degree. College students that do not want to be in "school" usualy drop out or sometimes regret going to school and got jobs that they are over qualified for.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
To correct errors in the paper and make it easier to under stand to the reader

 What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
When the teacher did mock stoies that we could use as examples were very helpful in writing the paper.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them?
I did two drafts the rough and the final.'

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
Go to the teacher and get more advice and use the SAS center for help.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
I was pleased with the out come of the paper itself.


Bird,Caroline,"Where College Fails Us".Introduction to College Writing. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010: 205-207 print

Analysis to "Praise the F word" merry sherry

Students that strieve for the grade should get the grades they deserve. Teachers that give more oprotunities to some students in my mind is a good thing because some students want to acheive good grades but lack motivation from peers and at the end of the day the student feels horrible for not turning the work in on time and regrets it. Students that understand the material are just as well of as the student that turns in the work and has less of an understanding.