Sunday, October 3, 2010

Response for interview process for Task Two

        My interview went very well and I learned a lot more of my mothers educational history and learned about her experience when she was pregnant with me during her junior year of high school. During the interview I took notes on the answers of the questions I had wrote down before. When I first got to my moms house I first played with their new dog and we had dinner. I started the interview right after. The interview was very easy going since she is my mother. My mother can relate to me since she is a younger parent. Over all the interview was a success. It was easy going and I hope I have enough information for my paper.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tyler,

    So do you intend to focus on your mother's pregnancy in HS and how it affected her education? If so, this may be an interesting focus. I can definitely understand because my mother had me when she was a senior when she dropped out of HS.

    Ms. C
