Thursday, December 2, 2010

The lonely good company of books

I do not read often for self pleasure. I mainly read books if I must for classes. I have read a couple books in the past that caught my attention and held it untill the book was finished for myself and really enjoyed it. But it is very hard to come across a book like it. I do not usually go to book stores so I never really look for one. My reading is very similar to rodrigaze's. Before I started college I knew I had to start reading but I would just read my articles in my auto magazines and thought it to be "good enough".

What story reminds me the most of education

My high school experince was very hectic from my parents divorce and other family matters throught my high school carrer and even into my college carrer. In high school I did not strive to be the best achedemicly because of my group of friends and how we all reacted with one another. During high school I felt like as long as I graduated I would be set. When applying to schools I relized my actions in high school were not the best and now have a feeling of regret because I know I could and can acheive better than I give myself credit for.

Fredrick Douglas Questions and Reflections of reading and writing

Douglas's experinces of learning to read and write are much worse than what students have to do today. We have the freedom to learn and to do just about anything productive. We have schools and teachers willing to teach americans how to read and write. He just had a random person that could only teach him what she knew and that was it. No higher eduction was availible to him. Nowadays you can go to schools and tech schools to learn and expand your knowledge on things.

Discussion on my experiences on reading and writing

Most of my reading and writing are in the class room. Most has been learned in the class room and I usually do not read or write for self enjoyment. As a student I read and write everyday. My history of reading and writing are not the best because I rarely do it out side of the class room. I wish to start reading outside of the class room and hope to increase my knowledge about the world around me.

Self Evaluation Of Task Three

What is the thesis for your paper?
College graduates are driving taxis, I think that the statement is true because some college graduates do not get the job they wished to atain with their degree.

List the main points you make in your paper
My paper has my opinons and Birds opinons on how college students are pressured to go to college to get a degree. College students that do not want to be in "school" usualy drop out or sometimes regret going to school and got jobs that they are over qualified for.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
To correct errors in the paper and make it easier to under stand to the reader

 What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
When the teacher did mock stoies that we could use as examples were very helpful in writing the paper.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them?
I did two drafts the rough and the final.'

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
Go to the teacher and get more advice and use the SAS center for help.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
I was pleased with the out come of the paper itself.


Bird,Caroline,"Where College Fails Us".Introduction to College Writing. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010: 205-207 print

Analysis to "Praise the F word" merry sherry

Students that strieve for the grade should get the grades they deserve. Teachers that give more oprotunities to some students in my mind is a good thing because some students want to acheive good grades but lack motivation from peers and at the end of the day the student feels horrible for not turning the work in on time and regrets it. Students that understand the material are just as well of as the student that turns in the work and has less of an understanding.

Reflection of task three

My focus was on how colleges "fail us". Much like Bird's thoughts and opinons about how college is and the thoughts of the students are much like mine and I'm a student in college. Being a student I see friends going to school and some going into the work force. I see myself getting a degree and getting a job I wish to retire on. I am confused on what degree to work for because of the job market in todays society and if it acheiveable.

Analysis Kozol

It could not of been good to Kozol to see the differences of education in the races of students. All students should get equal schooling and classes. All students should have the same quality of education. Teachers teaching without their own place to teach must be hard and the students have to reflect from it. Everyone should strive for good education. Race should not play a factor in education. The worst is that when the board of education found out and did nothing to change it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Task Three Analyze

For task three I'm not positive what I will write about, I have been thinking about useing Where College Fails Us by Carolinew Bird. I think alot of my ideas agree with hers and I would have plenty to write about. I want to talk about how many students are pressured by peers and administrators to go for higher education. I think it is up to the student and what he or she wants to do.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why did you decide to come to college?

I decided to come to college because I want a good dependable job. I wish to become a band director and make my way up to become successful and have a job that I love to go to. I came to college to get the degree and experiences to make me a successful director. I wish to acheive a BME which is a bachalors of music education. I hope to get a job and then if needed go back to college and acheive a masters in music. This would help my pay increase and my choice of where I would work. My career I disire needs this education and much more. This is why I am here and working to acheive a degree.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood - Leon Botsein

Botsein was talking about how that teen-age years (17 and 18 years old) in high school and how that the school time before college is to long and thinks teen-agers should start their lives and hopefully go to college and acheive a degree and start their carrers as soon as they can. I think the time in high school and grade school is set the right age because kids have to mature up and high school does that. I think that it is the right time in age for those people to choose to go to higher education or take on a job. His audience was structered by his statement let them take a shot at adult hood a little early.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where College Fails Us Questions and Review

        My experiences in college has been very beneificail to my life. My classes help me better understand the thought process and my study and thinking skills have improved emensly. I can think through the problems on my own much better than I did in high school. My teachers her at missouri western are very friendly and helpful. I can read a passage and understand and comprehend it better. I can gather my thoughts and put them on paper much better than in high schoool.
      My study habbits and my time managment has increased much more than if I would not have came to college. Durind high school I was a major procrastinator. I now put my school in high priority and get my work done and on time as much as I can.

       The only class that I take that I think has no major meaning is my university 101 class. In the class we do not have any real meaning it feels like. The teacher just talks about things us students should already know and the teacher is older so he cannot relate as eaisly to us as a younger one could.

       I decided to go to college to further my education and acheive a degree to be a band director for a school in the future. I wll become financialy stable and have a good life doing something I enjoy for a living.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Self Evaluation of Task Two

1. what is the thesis for the paper?
My thesis for my paper was the troubles of being a pregnant and then a mother in high school.

2.what was the most helpful advice you recieved from your peer evaluation?
During my peer evaluation the most helpful advice was probably to have better flow threw out the paper.

3.what was the most helpful information you recieved in class for your paper?
The most helpful information was when to have more or less details.

4. How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote?
I did three different drafts first the rough draft that I used a outline to help then a rivised version then the final.

5.what would you differently with this paper to make it more effectively?
I would have done better note taking during the interview because I know we had a lot more disscused then what I had wrote down.

6.What are you most pleased with about this paper?
I like the topic of my paper and I like the stories that I was told. Overall it was pretty interesting.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My interview

What questions still remain?
She is still in college and I want to know the benifits she gets after the education.

How did it go?
The interview went very well and it was very comfurtable.

Where did you conduct it? 
I interviewed my mom at her house.

What did you learn?
I learned about her high school experience and how her schooling is going now.

How do you intend to transition to the writng process?
I transitioned it by stating how it all went for her.

What concerns do you have?
I first had a problem conducting the paper and organization and I hope that it is easier to read.

How do you expect to overcome them?
I overcame them by writing a outline.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Becoming Educated Question 1

 In the short story "Becoming Educated" she explains at the end that when you belive something is right but when someone smarter and more educated complicates it you have to prove the something is how you say. In my education this is very important because when a director at band tells me something I had played was wrong but I know is right I must explain my thoughts of it. Education is very important to me because with out my education I will not get the job I disire and I would not gain my Degree and my college experiences.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Response for interview process for Task Two

        My interview went very well and I learned a lot more of my mothers educational history and learned about her experience when she was pregnant with me during her junior year of high school. During the interview I took notes on the answers of the questions I had wrote down before. When I first got to my moms house I first played with their new dog and we had dinner. I started the interview right after. The interview was very easy going since she is my mother. My mother can relate to me since she is a younger parent. Over all the interview was a success. It was easy going and I hope I have enough information for my paper.

Task Two interview questions with response

1.Q what high school did you attend? what was your graduation date?
A. Odessa High School - 1992

2.Q did you have any unusual circumstances that effected your educcation?
A. I was pregnant my junior year and got married. My education was more difficult to achieve with school, a job, a husband, and a baby to care for. I knew an education was essential to be able to support my family so I woked hard to acheive my goal of good grades and a high school diploma.

3.Q did you have any problems with your teachers when you were pregnant and trying to acheive your diploma?
A. I did have problems with my biology teacher. While I was pregnant we had to disect a cat. My doctor told me that I could not participate due to fameldahide. He assigned me a large research assighnment instead of the lab. I worked very hard on the assighnment. and when it came time to turn in the paper he refused to acccept it stating "that it is not fair to the other students that you got yourself in trouble so I am going to give you an F this semester." My family went to the principal and he had three other teachers grade the paper and the teacherhad to accept the average grade
          Another example was when I was eight months pregnant my P.E. teacher was trying to force me to run a mile. I refused and stated that I would glady walk a mile instead. She sent me to the principal's office I explained the situation and was allowed to walk the mile instead.

4. Q Did you seek higher education following high school?
A. I went to UNM for two semesters, attended LPN school at lexington, and now currently working towards my RN degree. It is very odd that I am still in college and now I have a child in college as well.

5.Q what is your goal you wish to acheive in regards to your education?
A. I am actually happy being an LPN working in the clinic and doing case managment at lexington hospital. I worked med-surg for four years prior to changing positions. I love nursing and my goal is to have a BSN. I probably have a year until I reach my goal. Not much will change in my current job, but it will increase my wage significantly.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

5 Questions that I would ask my suject

1) what was your favorite high school experience?
I would ask this question because i want to start off with the basic info of my mom's high school.

2) what were the difficulties of being a pregnant high schooler?
I would ask this question because I want to know how it was and what were the difficulties of being pregnant through high school.

3) where she went for higher education? what was your experience like?
I would ask this questions to get some more knowledge on her academic history

4)How is your job now in comparison of jobs with out the higher education?
I want to know how her work experience has changed

5) How much has your life changed since high school and know going to higher education and so is your son?
I want to show how she still is going into higher education

Sunday, September 26, 2010

“Casa: A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood”

Question 2
A cautionary tale of my grandmaother is to not do anything stupid. She emphisizes it by a list of things that I could do that's stupid and explains what happens if I did them.
Before leaving for college my grandmother told me time and time again to not do anything to stupid and screw up my college career.

Maya Angelou Sister Flowers

A memorable childhood experience for me is that in high school I would always try to be in the "cool crowd" I would end up in trouble both the school and in the household. I would piss my teachers off and make an effort to have all my friends see me. I would do burnouts in the parking lot with my cars and so would my friends and the next day we would get in trouble.
By my senior year I was not completely in the trouble makeing and started succeding in school and got the desire for college.

Interests for Task Two

Ø  Why are you interested in these subjects? I am interested in these subjects by how they overcame their obstucles presented before them throughout their schooling

Ø  What makes him/her interesting and unique? My mother would be a great topic because she was pregnant with me while in high school and the difficulties of being a pregnant student.

Ø  What sort of questions would you ask and why? I would ask questions regarding how the teachers treated her through high school.  Also how she had difficulties in school while being pregnant and how she went to school as a non traditional student to get a RN nurseing.

Ø  What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two? Haveing time on the phone and in person about her info.

Ø  What do you anticipate? Why? I anticipate it to be intersting and a one on one time with my mother

Ø  What questions do you have for Task Two?I have no current questions for task two

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Self Evaluation of Task One

Self Evaluation

What is the thesis for your paper?
My thesis of my paper was my grandfathers importance to me is unremarkable.
List the main points you make in your paper.
My main points is how my grandfather helped when I was a small child
What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
To not list all the stuff about my parents since the paper was about my grandfather
What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
To not list all the stuff about my parents since the paper was about my grandfather
How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I did three drafts of the paper the rough one then the second was review from others then my last was the re read paper and fixed accidentals.
What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I would want time to have more research and have all my information ready.
What are most pleased with about this paper?
The overall finished product and described my grandfather well

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Question 1 for Colored me

I do not give myself any label because I cannot think of any label that would fit me. I think I try to be myself no matter what. I be myself day to day. Hurstons concept in this is that we both try to be our own person.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Topics for task one

One of my ideas for task one is my high school band directors. They were very influential to to me and challenged my performance ability. I chose to go to college to be a music major in education because of their teaching abilities. They would criticize my work ethic and helped me mature into a responsible adult. This would be a very good topic for task one because I have a lot of memories to write about and experiences in band. I might have trouble with the flow of the memories and experiences. I anticipate on troubles with flow of the paper and not being so choppy. I have had troubles in the past with papers being choppy. I do not have many questions for task one.

Another topic I could use for task one could be my grandfather because he has taught me many things threw life. He has taught me responsibility and respect. I have many stories about him and with him. I could talk about his life and how he helped with me threw mine so far. I might have a problem with getting details. I could resolve that by phone calls and family research. I do not have questions for task one at this point.

A topic I could choose for task one could be my father and the things he has done for me threw life and stories I share with him. I could talk about my first car and how he helped me “trick” it out. I could use details about my car and what we did to make it unique. I might have troubles with details of his life but I can resolve those by phone calls threw family members.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Introduction of myself and writing history

Hello, my name is Tyler Johnson. I am from Odessa, MO. I am a percussionist, that is what I am going to school for. My intended major is music education. I am in a band in Odessa named Lazy Money as much as I would love to be a rock star but I need a for sure job in the future. I have been in band threw out high school and middle school. I fell in love with marching band I played marching snare and was center snare every year. My high school band directors was the most modivational thing to me in music besides seeing shinedown live. They have the best volcalist that modivationaly speaks at every show.

In my high school we did many reading and writing courses. I mainly read non fictioinal material such as magazines. My favorites include drummer, popular hotroding, modified, and thrasher. My most memerable book I read was a book by the author of Sonny Barger he is the leader of the hells angles." A biker gang in California." I have note wrote books or anything of that matter. I do facebook and forum writing about Volvo cars on, since I own one and love to work on it and drive it.